Monday, July 19, 2010


Hi, my name is John McCarthy and I am going to do China. I repeat. I. Am. Going. To. Do. China. Now let me start by saying that this blog, due to a lack of facebook in China, is a way for me to keep my family updated on my Chinese adventures. That being said, if any of the minimal amount of people in this world that like me would like to leave comments or contribute in any way than I would insist that you jump on in. The waters fine. I feel confident that this blog will morph into something entirely different through the course of its life anyhow. As you can see by the URL "McCarthy Brothers" there are in fact two of us. That means that the ever-talented/ever-sexy Chris McCarthy will be co-author on this blog, lending his rapiers wit and veteran penmanship to the betterment of blog-kind. Like a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, so will the online world become something beautiful... Something McCarthy. Well, theres the introduction. Stay tuned! And if you don't like this blog, me, my brother, or anything we stand for feel free to leave a comment. Or just fade away.

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